Microcontroladores PIC en Linux.
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SDCC 3.0 Disponibleeeeee

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SDCC 3.0   Disponibleeeeee Empty SDCC 3.0 Disponibleeeeee

Mensaje por Risanti Dom 21 Nov 2010 - 3:27

Holaa a todos...

Hace que no revisaba la pagina de Sdcc y me encontre que ya hay otra version disponible para utlizar y probar... aunque no he revisado bien que cambios tiene para el mundo de los PIC.. si ya la tengo instaladaaa y funcionado..

revisen aqui.. para descargar..

November 1st, 2010: Small Device C Compiler 3.0.0 released.

A new release of SDCC, the portable optimizing compiler for 8051, DS390, Z80, HC08, and PIC microprocessors is now available (http://sdcc.sourceforge.net). Sources, documentation and binaries compiled for x86 Linux, x86 MS Windows and universal Mac OS X are available.

SDCC 3.0.0 Feature List:

sdcpp synchronized with GNU cpp 4.5.0
changed z80 and gb targets object file extension to .rel
special sdcc keywords which are not preceded by a double underscore are deprecated in sdcc version 3.0.0 and higher. See section ANSI-Compliance in sdccman
xa51 and avr targets are disabled by default in sdcc version 3.0.0 and higher
introduced new memory model huge for mcs51 to use bankswitching for all functions
removed generation of GameBoy binary image file format, rrgb map file format and no$gmb sym file format from sdld linker. Utility makebin generates GameBoy binary image file format, utility as2gbmap utility converts sdas map file to rrgb map and no$gmb sym file formas.
implemented __builtin_offsetof
asxxxx / aslink renamed to sdas / sdld and synchronized with ASXXXX V2.0
majority of sdcc run time library released under GPL+LE license (see http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sdcc/wiki/Files%20and%20Licenses)
introduced --use-non-free command line option
non free (non GPL compatible) header and library files moved to non-free directory
deprecated --no-pack-iram command line option
Numerous feature requests and bug fixes are included as well.

A primera vista vi que renombraron la carpeta pic por pic14 y ademas separaron todos los include para microcontroladores PIC en un carpeta llamada none-free, segun lo que dice es por el tema de licencia.

Los invito a tener su version actualizada..

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Asiduo del Foro

Mensajes : 172
Fecha de inscripción : 07/12/2008
Edad : 39
Localización : La Serena Chile


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SDCC 3.0   Disponibleeeeee Empty Re: SDCC 3.0 Disponibleeeeee

Mensaje por maigke Mar 23 Nov 2010 - 7:57

Muy bueno estimado Risanti, ya estaré pronto probando la nueva versión.
Asiduo del Foro
Asiduo del Foro

Mensajes : 210
Fecha de inscripción : 12/04/2009
Edad : 46
Localización : Mexico

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